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As sales representatives* we hope to benefit both the diverse suppliers we work for and the large corporate customers.

Diverse suppliers: we want to help you significantly increase profits without any upfront or fixed costs.

Diverse suppliers: we want to help you significantly increase profits without any upfront or fixed costs.

Is there a significant geographic or market segment in which you could be very competitive on price and service...


If you just had the right sales resources to pursue those opportunities?


What if you could pursue those opportunities without any upfront or fixed costs for sales people such as salaries, benefits or travel expenses?


Incremental sales...

which have an even more significant impact on your profits,...

and no fixed costs.


Large corporate customers: we want to help you efficiently achieve your supplier diversity objectives.

If today you are looking for a diverse supplier of a particular commodity, please contact us. We will be happy to help and share an idea even if we do not represent the supplier and will not make any money. We want to prove ourselves as a valuable source of information, because...


We would like to build a long term relationship with you and your company. We would like you to view us as a resource that can help you in a number of ways to meet an important corporate objective. We want to understand your needs, do our homework, and bring you the quality suppliers that make sense for you.


Perhaps you have mentored a diverse supplier who is doing a great job for you. Perhaps they now have the capability to significantly broaden their customer base, which would be good for them and you. We would be very interested in talking with you and them. Please get us in touch.


If you are just getting involved with supplier diversity, we would be happy to talk with you and help you get up to speed.


We would be very interested in discussing how a strategic alliance with a minority owned firm could increase your revenues.



Please see the Strategic Alliances page for background on the business case for supplier diversity and the significant profit opportunities that strategic alliances can offer both diverse suppliers and large corporations.


*  We like the term Sales Representatives or Sales Reps.  It best captures that we are an independent,  commission only, sales firm, which forms long term relationships with both the suppliers we work for and the large corporate customers we help them serve, and that we sell for service providers and distributors as well as manufacturers.  However,  if you searched for Sales Agent, Broker, Manufacturer's Agent, Manufacturer's Representative, or Manufacturer's Rep,  that is probably close enough and please keep reading and let's talk.  The important points are that we sell only for minority-owned and other diverse suppliers (including MBE, WBE and Veteran), and we focus on large corporate customers for whom supplier diversity is an important corporate objective.  Please see our home page for more information on our sales rep business model.

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